畢業年份 |
姓名 |
論文題目 |
100 |
謝宗延 (Tsung-Yen Hsieh) |
限制層阻尼結構最佳化之研究 (A Study on Optimization of Constrained Layered Damping Structures) |
102 |
吳佳玟 (Chia-Wen Wu) |
纖維搭接對FRP構件力學特性影響之研究 (A Study on Mechanic Properties of FRPComponents Using Overlap) |
102 |
陳秋珺 (Chiu-Chun Chen) |
FRP帽型樑搭接形式與力學特性之研究 (A Study on Overlapping Type and Mechanical Properties of FRP Top-hat Stiffener) |
102 |
鄭偉志 (Wei-Zhi Zheng) |
輕量化遊艇上層結構吊掛翻轉之研究 (Study on Lightening Superstructures Sustain Hanging and Overturning) |
103 |
李姿瑩 (Tzu-Ying Lee) |
應用拓樸最佳化於艙口圍緣角隅設計 (Compliant Hatch Corner Using Topological Optimization) |
103 |
吳香怡 (Shiang-Yi,Wu) |
雙壓電冷卻噴嘴之減振設計 (Study on Vibration Isolation Design of Dual Piezoelectric Cooling Jets) |
103 |
黃冠翔 (Guan-Siang Huang) |
船用膠殼轉角熱應力之探討 (Study on Thermal Stress Concentrated at the Gel Coat Corner) |
104 |
王嘉逢 (Wang,Chai-Fong) |
膠合元素應用於FRP帽型樑搭接強度探討之研究 (Study on FRP Top-hat Stiffener Overlapped Strength Using Cohesive Elements) |
105 |
賴建璋 (Lai, Jian-Jhang) |
FRP上構設計與振動模擬 (Design and Vibration Simulation of FRP Superstructure) |
105 |
PD-5500規範應用於小型潛艇結構設計 (PD-5500 Specification used in Miniature – Submarine Structure Design) |
105 |
FRP船舶隔艙壁接合之仿生設計 (The Biomimetic Design of FRP Bulkhead T-joint) |
105 |
FRP接合設計與機械強度之探討 (A Study on Mechanical Strength of FRP Joints) |
105 |
林依慧 (LIN,YI-HUEI) |
FRP船舶T型接合承受非接觸性水下爆炸之接頭設計 (A Study on FRP T-Joints Subjected to Non-contact under Water Explosion) |
106 |
蔡建緯 (CAI, JIAN-WEI) |
應用混合接頭於異質接合之機械特性探討 (Study on Mechanical Properties of Heterogeneous Joint Using Hybrid Joints) |
106 |
許益銓 (Yi-Chuan, Xu) |
在波浪運動中之FRP上層結構與金屬船殼異質接合強度評估 (Heterogeneous Joint Strength Evaluation of FRP Superstructure and Metal Hull Moving in Waves) |
106 |
馬友友 (MA,YO-YO) |
失圓壓力殼非線性挫曲強度之研究 (Study on Nonlinear Buckling Strength of Out-of-Roundness Pressure Hull) |
106 |
美國海軍水面艦破損穩度設計標準與各國海軍規範評估比較 (Evaluation and Comparison of Surface Ship Damaged Stability Standard of U.S. Navy and Other Countries) |
106 |
陳仕宸 (CHEN, SHI-CHEN) |
附加質量對壓力殼自然振動頻率影響之研究 (Study on the Influence of Added Mass for Natural Vibration of Pressure Hull) |
107 |
何俊葦 (HE, CHUN-WEI) |
敏捷式專案管理概念應用於軍艦監造作業之研究 (A Study on the Application of Agile Project Management Concept in Naval Shipbuilding Supervision) |
107 |
耦合模型應用於水下載具坐底分析 (Coupling Models Applied to Underwater Vehicle Bottoming Analysis) |
107 |
多連桿折疊椅之機構最佳化設計與分析 (Optimization design and analysis of multi-linked folding chair) |
107 |
FRP二次接合方法可信賴度之數據分析 (Reliable data analysis of FRP secondary bonding method) |
107 |
周晉緯 (Jin-Wei Chou) |
單搭接異質接合數值模擬與機械性質探討 (Study on Numerical Analysis and Mechanical Properties of Heterogeneous Joint Using Single-lap) |
108 |
黃郁超 |
潛艦外殼對壓力殼爆震防護能力之研究 |
108 |
林則佑 |
FRP聲納護罩承受拍擊之接合強度研究 |
108 |
李家誠 |
動態分析法應用於水下載具坐底之可信度評估 |
109 |
劉光晏 (LIU, GUANG-YAN) |
光纖光柵感測器監測多層數殘留應變之研究 |
109 |
呂孟遜 |
離岸風機塔架吊掛模擬 |
109 |
陳俊緯 |
壓力殼貫穿件局部補強設計及驗證評估 |
110 |
蕭宏哲 |
FRP複合材料應用於微型水下載具之強度探討 |
110 |
朱富成 (CHU,FU-CHENG) |
FRP動態材料參數應用於水面艦承受水下爆炸之分析 (Analysis of FRP Dynamic Material Parameters Applied to Surface Ship Underwater Explosion) |
110 |
模流分析應用於大型曲面模具灌注之驗證 |